Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tuesday morning...or is it Wednesday?


It's about 11am PST here...and 9 hours later in Germany and France where we had just gotten used to the time difference. Needless to say, we are in slightly rare form. We had an amazing trip and just got back yesterday afternoon. Too many photos to share of course! But I'll keep posting them on my flickr (there are some there already that I had the chance to post during the week). Hope you enjoy...

Germany really is a neat place, and we loved Paris...the sites, the food, the wine, the people. It was so much to take in, and my French is a mix of maybe 9 words, but we enjoyed it immensely and can't wait to go back. We had our share of aggravations...but survived. We weren't fully prepared for every aspect of travel - had it been too long? More on those things later....I have SO much to catch up on. Packages of cozy plushes to mail, sketches to complete for mural projects, a pile of sewing and a shop update, and tons of domesticities that are calling my name:

...do the laundry...sweep the porch...clean the garden beds...clean everything, really :o) A fall clean up I suppose - time to accept that fall is here, summer is past. At least there's Halloween to look forward to!

See ya tomorrow...

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