It's very very pretty out right now...a little overcast, but all the blooming trees in pinks and whites are providing so much cheeriness :o)

Our cherry and apricot trees are swarming in blossoms and the Japanese maples are starting to leaf out. I love their tender little unfurling leaves.

I'm working on a new painting - a delightful owl in a colorful scene of lemons and leaves....and I actually snuck another new painting into the
shop a few days ago. It got snatched up that evening. I'll re-list the print's a cutie:
Sanguine is enjoying some outside time. I can't help but let her rub on the concrete a bit - it looks like it feels so good!

Lunching on fresh stuff never disappoints...oranges from our tree :o) Plus potato/butternut squash soup, strawberry yogurt, sunflower and herb focaccia with spreadable swiss (mmm, laughing cow cheese). I have to admit I also had a peppermint patty - hee hee...probably shot my blood glucose way up - along with the potato soup. Our midwife had me check my blood glucose levels over the course of 4 days to see what's normal for my body. Everything looks fine but you can REALLY tell what foods make a difference. More than once I held off on a few tempting things. Supposedly I can help keep our baby girl's birth weight to an average 7lbs (thereabouts...) by watching how much insulin is going through my system - and into hers. Our midwife wisely said 'I assure you, it's easier to push out a 7lb baby than a 8.5/9lb baby'. Okay, enough said...

The fabric I'm eyeing for our kitchen curtains...I realize I'm liking a LOT of the new Anna Griffin fabrics. I'm hoping it's not a phase. I'm even debating using another one of her fabrics for our bedroom. I definitely need to hit up
Hart's in Santa Cruz to get a better look. I love the 'sierra aviary' fabric that I just got for the dining room curtains - it's really fab!!
Enjoy your Spring day! :o)
lv, Devon