Happy Birthday to me...34 years. This birthday finds me in a chilly, rainy German summer which I'm having trouble dealing with. My inner cheerleader is pushing me to find a better attitude. Refuse the idea to wallow at my computer in self pity. STOP looking out the window. You just did it again. Stop looking out the window!
I've downloaded a new weather app that shows a more realistic forecast for the week as the iPhone weather app would show rain as the day's forecast even if it's just a 10% chance. So as you can imagine, my phone has been an endless stream of rain, rain, rain forecasts.
I'm sorry to complain so much. There's much more to life. In fact, this is probably really good for me to experience. This whole move to Germany, and all that preceded it (with Jared traveling) have really made me shape up, grow up, take responsibility, have more confidence. Act my 34 years maybe? I was just hoping for SUMMER, you know? I'll have it again I know. In time.
I just looked out the window again. I think I'd better keep myself moving and busy for the rest of the kid's nap/rest time. Here's to life, the good & bad, the sunshine & rain, the ups & downs.
Hugs from Germany,
Loving Instagram!
Look for me: devonholzwarth
It's super duper fun.