july is my favorite month...part of it may have to do with my birthday being in july :o) but i think it's more than that. it's so warm and sunny and beautiful in san jose in july...the garden is popping!...there are so many things to do and see...the days are long...the clothes are easy. i actually feel much more motivated in warm weather so i'm getting lots done!

& we have a new bird friend! i'm not sure the species...but this guy is a real cutie, and SO teeny! we noticed that some little seed eaters had built a nest in our orange tree (fairly low) - unfortunately it's been slowly falling apart and last night one little guy kept slipping through. phylo was so good to listen to us and leave the little fella alone so we could scoop it back in the nest. well...this morning all three babies were gone!! i thought maybe a cat or squirrel had...you know...so we were sad. but later on, phylo and his excellent hunting dog nose found a sole survivor ALL the way across the yard. i made sure the mama and papa birds saw me and then tucked a bag under the nest and put the baby back in place - bit more secure this time. so far all is well!
Your flowers are delightful. Looks like your garden is really blooming :)
thanks felicia! we're really enjoying all the veggies and flowers & are totally overwhelmed with apricots! last night we made a huge batch of jam. it was so tasty we're going to make more tonight.
love your blog and all your gorgeous photos...especially that peach cobbler. the weasley sweater is awfully cute as are your little plushies!
thanks for stopping by! :o) devon
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