I helped throw a baby shower for a dear friend over the weekend and thought I would share some of the loveliness that it was :o)

I designed/made the invites which came out much cuter than I thought they would - I was super crunched for time and had to enact 'plan b' for them (scanning fabric rather than redesigning a toile pattern).

My friend Mel and I did the cooking...I roasted a ham (with honey glaze) and made a scrumptious dish of 'smashed sweet potatoes and apples'...supremely decadent with cream, brown sugar, butter, you know...all the good stuff. And I brought a cheese cake (from TJ's) with a raspberry sauce I made the night before. Mel made a fabulous seasonal salad with baby spinach, pears, dried cranberries, pecans, olive oil - mmmhh! She also whipped up the perfect punch and brought the goods for a cheese/grape/crackers tray.

There were just 12 guests so nice and cozy. Our expectant mom friend received tons of goodies. I put together a little treat for her of my 'oh so happy' elephant in a sweet little pink frame. If you haven't guessed by now, she is having a girl!

Today I'm working on a custom order...a penguin and lapdog to coordinate with my owling, Daphne. They are going to make the cutest Devon Industry plush trio. They can be seen later today in my shop. I will try to sneak a new penguin in there as well...and maybe a whale - we'll see.

And this was my view driving home from a mural meeting yesterday. It was such a beautiful fall morning...a bit cool and the sky full of fluffy clouds. Ahhhh....
Compared to that shower, my showers were like welfare showers.
I hope she knows how hugely lucky she is.
oh, that's kinda sad and funny at the same time! yea, she's real sweet and appreciative & it was fun to throw her a good party. of course, by the time I have a baby everyone will be showered out and I'll probably have a welfare shower too, or will maybe have to throw my own party! ;o)
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