Last night was the sale at Inside Source & it was a really good time! We definitely had our moments...feeding and diaper changing and packing & not getting out of the house till 15 min. before the event then slugging our way through nearly an hour of traffic to get to San Carlos. Poor Miranda screamed herself silly in the car and basically 'popped' (as Jared called it) - she cried so hard she knocked herself out. By that time I had crawled to the back and was holding her hand while we were trying to exit the highway. The traffic was so atrocious that she finished her crying spell before we could even get two lanes over. When we finally arrived I unloaded and set up while Jared wandered over to REI next door with Mbird in the ergo (she lasted just long enough for me to get all set up, and for Jared to pick out new slippers - which I'm currently wearing, ha!).
Once again, there were so many wonderful people at the event :o) I just love this event - wouldn't miss it. Lovely people, delectable food and drinks (darn it that I didn't get a mojito last night!), lots of activity and lots of happy shoppers! I always do well so it's worth it to get a lot of stuff made and ready - it also sets me up for the rest of the Christmas shopping season.
Jared and I traded off with lil' Miranda...the poor girl was SO tired but did great - even with all the craziness, bright lights, and people in her face. She was definitely an attention getter! At one point a (slightly happy on wine) lady stuck her finger to Miranda's mouth and Miranda sucked on it...ugh!! (it was difficult but I held back my inner freak out...) Mbird's arm kept creeping out of the carrier at everything. There was only so much I could do to keep her from being touched and doted on by well meaning folks. I hope she doesn't come down with's that time of year again...
Anyway, all that aside it was a wonderful time :o) I'll definitely do it again next year (with Mbird at home with Jared, or a sitter!). But we managed and it was worth it. And I have fantastic pile of goodies to load up my shop with & that's always great. Better get on it...naptime is almost over!
Here are my etsy faves of the week (some really good stuff...temptingly good stuff):
xo to all & happy weekend!

Hippos make everything better.
(and I'm totally gonna paint clouds on my phone!)
Hi! I JUST saw your comment on my blog about the push toy my daughter was using in the photos! I thought I'd better post on your blog since you may never see it on mine, not sure if you subscribed. :-) It's this. She loves it! Its nice because it has a 'brake' sort of thing so slow it down on slick surfaces. And it has all the blocks that come out to play with.
And btw, I have drooled over your Etsy shop many times, but I never knew who you were, lol! You do gorgeous work.
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