Monday, February 3, 2014


I've been doing stills along with Em from Beetleshack for over a month now! That's definitely some kind of record for me. I already love looking at past weeks, and my mama guilt feels pretty subdued since this feels like a decent recording of our little ones' early years.

Looking down as we walk many treasures...tiniest mushrooms, seed pods, all glistening with frost.

More block printing this week. One of the things on my "to learn in 2014" list is putting together a semi-complex quilt made entirely with my own printed fabrics.

A bit of first-aid training/play at the kindergarten. At pick up she came running to me with a bandaged head and wrapped wrist - the huge smile let me know everything was fine.

Ice and salt and lots of colored water in the afternoon. We also turned it into a mini-volcano.

Sink bath after cleaning up poop in the leggings. Sorry for sharing that.

She thought my belt needed a daisy.

Early frosty morning balloon launch. It was exciting, especially when the rising balloon nearly took out the tree a few meters from me. *Walked away quickly*

Turning a battered drawer compartment into a curiosity cabinet.

Have an excellent week :o)
xoxo Devon


Kathy said...

It's lovely recording all of these things...a great set of weekly stills. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane, Australia

C said...

That mini volcano looks amazing! I was trying to figure out if it was the most beautiful doughnut.

My Mid-Afternoon Daydream said...

Kathy, isn't it? It all goes by so fast. Hoping to keep up the habit.

My Mid-Afternoon Daydream said...

Crystal, we froze water in an old copper mould then turned it out to play with. We've had an unusually warm winter and it was really fun to play with ice.